
How do I book a group study room?

There are links to the booking system in various places on the Library website including the home page, the Book a study space page and on the Main Library, Law Library and Multimedia Learning Centre pages. 

Tip: if you can't remember where, just search the library website for "study space" or "room bookings" or similar.

Book now

  1. Decide on a location and type of room
  2. Choose an available time slot
  3. Modify the end time in the drop-down menu to make it longer or shorter than the default length
  4. You will be prompted to sign in with your Bond credentials
  5. Submit your booking and agree to the terms and conditions
  6. Share the confirmation email with your group members so they have the booking details

Watch the video below for a demonstration.

Terms and conditions:

  • The room will only be used by Bond University students
  • You will not use the room for commercial purposes such as tutoring school students
  • Your group will not exceed the advertised capacity of the room
  • Your group will leave the room in a tidy condition
  • Your group will leave 2-hour gaps between bookings for equitable access to other students
  • If a room is still vacant after 15 minutes of the booked time, it may be taken by another group
  • If your room is in a silent study zone, your group will enter and leave the room quietly

Students who do not adhere to the terms and conditions will be blocked from booking rooms.

Booking limits

Booking limits are in place to ensure equitable access for all Bond students.

Students are permitted to book a maximum of 3 hours per day and a maximum of 6 hours per week.

Staff may book the Global Links Room.



Answered By: Daniel Walker
Last Updated: 25 Aug 2023
Views: 1049