
How can I get an item the library doesn't have?

You can request books, articles and more that the library doesn't have through Library Search.

To place a request:
  1. Sign in to Library Search
  2. Search for the item
  3. If you see the 'Expand your search to other libraries' link, click it
  4. Open the item record
  5. Click on either the physical request option (for books) or the digital request option (for articles and book chapters)
  6. Submit the request form
You may not be able to request all items using the steps above, so please view the Requesting books & articles page or watch the video below for more information.
Your requests will be visible in My Library when you are signed in to Library Search.
Answered By: Jessie Donaghey
Last Updated: 10 Oct 2024
Views: 1984