
How do I read or download eBooks?

You can read eBooks online by opening them up through Library Search, or download (loan) them for a period of time (usually up to 7 days) if the option is available.

Some eBooks require certain software installed in order to download, and the software you need may vary depending on the device you are downloading to (tablet, phone, computer, etc.).

ProQuest Ebook Central contains many books that are not downloadable, but allows you to download a portion of the eBook as a PDF file, and then that limit resets every 24 hours. This number can vary title by title, and some titles are "read only" and do not allow any downloading.

Check out the eBooks Library Research Guide for all the information and instructions you will need to download eBooks on different devices.

Answered By: Daniel Walker
Last Updated: 15 Dec 2023
Views: 253