
Can I request digitised copies of chapters or articles that are held in the Library?

I'm studying or working remotely and need to get access to portions of a book or articles in journals that are only available in the physical collections of the Library.

To support students and staff who are learning or working remotely, the Library can provide scans of book chapters (or page ranges) and journal articles where we only have physical copies in the collection.

All requests will be processed in accordance with copyright constraints. Typically this means you can request 1 chapter or 10% of the work under Fair Dealing provisions in the Copyright Act. 
We cannot provide a scan of the entire work.
  1. Make sure you are signed in to Library Search
  2. Find the record for the article or book
  3. Click the Get it button under the option Only want one chapter? 

When submitting the request please be sure to indicate:

  • the chapter details, or page range required
  • if it is for a subject reading indicate the subject code
Staff - if you have put the chapter or article on your Resource List for the subject, you do not need to use this service.
Students - please visit the Resource List for your subject in iLearn. Scanned copies of readings requested by your lecturer will already be accessible from those lists.
Answered By: Peta Hopkins
Last Updated: 05 Jun 2024
Views: 724