
Why can't I edit the resource list from a previous semester?

Resource Lists are locked at the end of each semester. This is to retain the list as it was when the subject was taught - similar to how previous iLearn sites are archived.


  • Week 6 or 7, subject codes for the upcoming semester start to appear in the Resource List system. Educators can roll over a list and associate it with one of these course codes from then until the list is locked.
  • Week 10, the Library will roll over lists for subjects offered in the upcoming semester. If an educator has already rolled over a list, the Library will not create another one.
  • Semester break, the Library will lock lists for the semester just finished.

If you need assistance with a locked list, please contact your Faculty Librarian including the subject code of the locked list.

Please include the full code like: ACCT11-100_2022_SEP_STD_01
Answered By: Peta Hopkins
Last Updated: 02 Jan 2024
Views: 69