
I've got the full text PDF of a resource, can I upload it to my Resource List?

Yes, you can upload a PDF and the Library will check for copyright compliance before making it available to students.

However, if the item is available through the Library's full-text subscriptions, a direct link to the resource should be used instead.

Steps to upload a PDF:

  1. Click the Add button and select Manual entry:
  2. Enter the Title and select an option from the Type field.
  3. Upload a file by drag and drop or browse to the file on our computer. Chose the relevant Copyright option (if unsure select the 'Please check the copyright status') option:
  4. Click the Next button and fill in the details for the item.
  5. Click Next again to add any student notes or tags.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. The item is added to your list:
  8. The Library team will check the copyright and if approved the file will be made available to students.
Answered By: Jessie Donaghey
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2024
Views: 50