
Can I use library resources in artificial intelligence (AI) tools?

Information for Bond University students and staff.

The University has contracts with content publishers and vendors for access to online content. Terms and conditions in these contracts place restrictions on how the content may be used.
Most of these agreements forbid the use of their content in artificial intelligence technologies of any type.

You must not use content or data from licensed Library databases as input to AI technologies - unless the contractual terms expressly allow AI uses.

This includes:

  • uploading files
  • copy and pasting the content
  • manual data entry

To find out how you can use a specific resource look for terminology like:

  • terms of use
  • usage rights
  • copyright
  • creative commons
  • open access
  • legal

How can I tell if it is a licensed resource?

If you are prompted to sign in with your Bond credentials to get the resource, and it does not clearly have a creative commons licence, assume it is covered by a contractual licence.
Even if you find it outside of Library Search, it might still be a licensed resource. We have technologies in place that help our students and staff access our licensed content seamlessly - you won't be asked to sign in for every single article.

What databases are safe for use in AI tools?

Check the terms of use for each item. The Library cannot guarantee a whole database is okay since many contain both open access and restricted content.

Openly licensed resources

Resources that are covered by a Creative Commons licence might be Ok for use with artificial intelligence tools - check the CC licence details to be sure.

Resources where copyright has expired are in the Public Domain and may be used without infringing copyright.

Note: most content on the internet is NOT in the Public Domain.

Staff: Support for curriculum and assessment uses

Educators should consider these restrictions when using or recommending AI tools in curriculum and assessments.
Faculty Librarians may be able to assist in facilitating permission to use a specific resource, or to find alternative resources if required.
Office of Learning and Teaching staff can provide advice on curriculum and assessment design in line with these restrictions.

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Answered By: Peta Hopkins
Last Updated: 06 Mar 2025
Views: 106

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