Report a problem

Use this form to report problems with library technology/systems including the Library website.

In the details section please include relevant user or record IDs

  • Student ID, Primary identifier or user barcode
  • Item barcode
  • Record ID e.g.
    • Alma MMSID, collection, citation or resource list IDs
    • Springshare ticket, FAQ or appointment IDs
  • Link to a screen recording, or, attach a screenshot
  • Exact error messages if possible
System affected
In which browser(s) did you experience the problem?
Does the problem occur when you are connecting:
Does it happen when you are signed in?
Attach screenshot
Contact details

Please use your Bond email when possible. It helps us to identify if the problem may be related to authentication and system roles.

After hours (library staff)

IT Services cannot help if Alma, Library Search and Resource Lists are down.

  1. Check to see if Ex Libris is aware via the system status page.  If yes, no action is required.
  2. If the system status page shows the system is operating normally, report it to and  (CC
Fields marked with * are required.
We only request information that is essential to provide a service to you. Read Bond University's privacy statement.