
Does the Library have a copy of all textbooks?

Yes (except in unusual circumstances) the Library will have either a physical or an eBook version of every textbook.

Commonly both physical and eBook versions are available.

Online access

Some eBook titles have limits on the number of students that can access each title at any given time. If you access an eBook from Library Search or your subject Resource List and receive a message that all copies are in use, please try again later.

Sometimes a digital reading of a portion of your textbook will be available on your Resource List. You can access Resource Lists from your iLearn site. There are limits to how much of a book can be made available this way under Copyright Law.

Physical access

Students who are able to visit the campus can use physical textbooks in the Library. Most copies of prescribed textbooks will be in the Reserve collection near the Service Desk. They can be borrowed for 3 hours at a time.


Answered By: Jessie Donaghey
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2023
Views: 217