
Why did we change to a new authentication method?

The Library has transitioned to a new method using OpenAthens for access to licensed content. One of the benefits is that you do not have to visit the Library website first for many of our major resource platforms.

OpenAthens enables seamless access to Bond Library owned and subscribed resources. In addition to accessing online resources via Library Search and Resource Lists, the new system also:

  • supports access to online resources from a list of web search results
  • enables direct sign in to most large content platforms such as SAGE, Elsevier, or ProQuest
  • remembers you are authenticated for hours (in the same browser) - reduces the number of times you are asked to authenticate
  • works with personal accounts in compatible content platforms
  • reduces risk of access being denied to the entire institution in the case of misuse by an individual

It works with Bond's single sign on system, and enables more streamlined management of resources by the Library team.

For the Library it provides us usage data on the resources we subscribe too. This is invaluable information when deciding which content to renew.

Answered By: Peta Hopkins
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024
Views: 43

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