
How has OpenAthens affected my access?

You may not have noticed any difference. However a different link syntax is used for Library online resources, and you may need to sign in on campus occasionally. There are some specific scenarios where you might find a broken link.

The A-Z list of research databases and tools, Library Search and Resource List links have been updated by the Library team and you might not have noticed the difference.

Open Athens remembers you are authenticated so you will not be asked to sign in for each access request.

OpenAthens uses cookies to remember your device for several hours. You will only be asked to sign in again if you:

  • change web browser, for example from Edge to Chrome
  • change devices, for example from a laptop to a mobile
  • clear your browser cookies

Links that will stop working

Links in documents, web content, bookmarks and reference managers that contain "ezproxy" in the URL need to be updated now. Ezproxy will be decomissioned imminently.

Ezproxy links in current and upcoming iLearn subject sites have been updated by the Library Team.

Reference management software

Settings in your citation manager may need to be updated, and links to full text in citations/references that use ezproxy should be updated. See the link below for details.

Direct sign in with OpenAthens

On some sites you can sign in via OpenAthens using your University account, without needing to visit the Library site first.

Look for the Institutional Login, Library Login or OpenAthens login options. It may be located in different places across the various platforms.

Screenshot with arrow pointing to a link: OpenAthens login

Answered By: Peta Hopkins
Last Updated: Nov 15, 2024
Views: 102

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