New Library authentication mechanism
Were you automatically redirected here when trying to access online library resources? Read on.

See How do I update my reference manager.
A similar issue may also arise if you are using the Ezproxy Redirect browser extension. This cannot be used with Bond Library's new authentication mechanism - remove Bond University in the extension settings.
- No FAQs were found.
Some actions may be needed to ensure full functionality in your reference manager after the new system is launched.
You may not have noticed any difference. However a different link syntax is used for Library online resources, and you may need to sign in on campus occasionally. There are some specific scenarios where you might find a broken link.
Information for Educators
The Library has transitioned to a new method using OpenAthens for access to licensed content. One of the benefits is that you do not have to visit the Library website first for many of our major resource platforms.
Some platforms with personal accounts require action.
Most require no intervention.
When I use the institutional sign in and search for Bond it appears twice.
To authenticate you to specific resources, OpenAthens collects your name and email address when you sign into the system.